Monthly Raffle Club

Join Cancer Crusaders and Win


For as little as $10 each month, you can be a Cancer Crusader and be part of up to 3 art-unions a year, and over $90,000 in prizes to be won!

Joining is easy

To join either call us on 1300-678070 or use the Enquiry Form below. Payments may be made from your credit card, debit card or bank account each month. You will receive a letter confirming the ‘Lucky Number’ tickets in each draw. In NSW, Queensland, Tasmania, ACT and Northern Territory, you’ll receive double ‘bonus’ entries.

It’s Win-Win

Being a Crusader is a great way of being in all the draws, while providing vital funds for cancer research and our CanCare patient navigation program. With increases in the incidence and impact of cancer, and more people lonely, isolated, less well off and in need of help, your support has never been as valuable as it is today.


Your investment


Major Draw Tickets*                                 Monthly Cost

40 entries                                            $10 a month (cheapest)

60 entries                                            $15 a month

80 entries                                            $20 a month (good value)

100 entries                                          $25 a month

400 entries                                          $50 a month (best value)


* Tickets for each lottery based are allocated according to the payment/s received. For all States except WA, this is at a cost of $1 per ticket entry. For WA, entries are $2 per ticket. All payments are processed on the 15th of each month. There are no contracts or minimum term. You may cancel at any time, and cancellation is effective immediately.


For sales or any enquiry call 1300-645572 or (02) 8058-9060, or email [email protected]

Enquiry form

First Name*

Last Name*


How can we help?*

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