About Us
Health is “A state of physical, emotional and psychological well-being” World Health Organisation. Two of Australia’s deadliest killers are prostate and breast cancer. The Prostate & Breast Cancer Foundation aims to increase life expectancy and measurably improve quality of life for prostate and breast cancer patients.
In Australia each year over 6,000 men and women die of prostate or breast cancer. They are the two most common invasive cancers, and fortunately the most survivable.
A dynamic and effective Board is a vital part of any successful social-purpose organisation. For those engaged in change and the development of new and innovative community-based programs, this is even more the case.
Challenges in Health
The Australian health care system faces a number of challenges.
- An increasing population and an increasingly ageing population
- Patient non-compliance with treatment and missed appointments
- An increasing population and an increasingly ageing population
Contact the Prostate & Breast Cancer Foundation
Photo Gallery
View photos from PBCF events and campaigns.